Monday, October 10, 2016

4 very simple halloween kid crafts

1. What´s easier than a Halloween themed painted rocks/sticks/acorn party?
  1. Search for your natural treasure in nature (on the ground off course).
  2. Clean your treasures with a rag.
  3. Paint your treasures.
  4. Paint or mark faces on them in black for Halloween.

2. Halloween cards made with watercolors, scrap paper, scrap fabric and stamps. 
  1. Fold scrap paper in half.
  2. Use watercolors to paint a picture on your card.
  3. Wait 10 minutes for your card to dry.
  4. Add holes with hole punch, stickers, stamps and/or scrap fabric. Anything goes! 
  5. Send the card to a friend!

3. Countdown to Halloween bookmark. Read a Halloween or Halloween inspired story each night until Halloween. It´s a nice way to make the one magical night last all month long.

  1. Cut heavy cardstock paper about 2 inches wide and 6 inches long.
  2. Hole punch a hole into the top midsection of your bookmark.
  3. And a calendar onto your bookmark, 6-7 rows and 5-6 columns.
  4. Decorate your bookmark. 
  5. Tie ribbon or fabric onto your bookmark. You can add a bead as we did here to hide your knot.
4. Countdown to Halloween, Halloween advent calendar. Another fun way to make the one magical night last all month long.

  1. Make 31 (3¨x1.5¨) pouches from cardstock paper, (I used burlap paper cardstock).
  2. Use posterboard or glue two pieces of 12x12 cardstock together vertically for background.
  3. Glue pouches one by one onto the background on three sides to leave top part open.
  4. Make 11 rows for the 31 days, leaving the last day at the bottom in its own row. 
  5. Insert a easy pull out note for your Halloween activity of the day, see some of mine below.
  6. Decorate your calendar. 
  7. Mark days off using Washi tape so you can use your calendar year after year.

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